Thursday, June 18, 2009

A post from my sister in law.

Hello, my name is "Erica". I have EIGHT kids! They range in age from 17 to 1. Most of them are in school but.... ITS SUMMER VACATION. Summer vacation to them is like working overtime to me. For some reason everybody wakes up earlier during the summer. I don't have to go banging on doors to get them to get up like I do when school is in.

My older kids help with the babies while they are home, so that part is easier... but man, the boys are sooooo loud. I can hardly hear myself think.

This is how my typical day goes...

Around 6:30am, my youngest daughters (2 and 3) wake each other up. They both get out of bed and come wake me up. After that, they go to their older sisters room (6) and wake her up. It's like a domino effect because after that.. she wakes her 15 year old sister up and from there the boys start waking up. By 7:00-8:00am all the kids are up and ready for breakfast.

I feed them breakfast and then, of course, some of the boys fall back a sleep. The day is pretty much playing with the kids, feeding them, and then playing some more until they fall asleep at about 10:00pm. Sounds fun doesn't it?

Every once in a while something exciting happens. Those are the days I wait for! But in the mean time I enjoy spending all of my time with my kids... its just very very tiresome.

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